Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

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Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Naraku » Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:55 pm

Llama, Sheep or Wolf – V – The resurrection of the Drama Llama

To begin with let me thank you dear players & readers of the first four LSW’s . It was a great pleasure and hopefully entertaining experience for everyone. These are the rules, roles, items and addendums to the game. If anyone other than myself feels so inclined to continue the LSW tradition feel free to use, alter or ignore the following in your run of it. “This is still the most important rule of all, and the only real rule worth following: The rules are what you make of them.”
When I started LSW it was on a whim of a fun creative impulse. I wrote the framework down and then wove storytelling into it. The maps were an immense pleasure to create, use, and watch as the players moved looking for quests, clues or items on their journeys. N00less Clubie was the first player to ask about his old friend and pal, Papa*Smurf, which really transformed the game as the players started to explore the tiles of LSW. The first map was nothing special; but from 2-4 myself & the most illustrious Llux Llama created visions to dazzle the viewer with shinny pixels. I still love the Llammy award gifs she created. Amazing work!
With this same spirit and purpose I would like to propose the new incarnation of Llama Sheep or Wolf. Complete with enough shiny new tasseled objects to make any Llamas jealous!

The curse….

Once upon a lux a long, long time ago in Luxtopia,
There lived a simple Sheepherder who vainly sought to protect his flock from the evil forces of the wolves. Year after year he lost more and more sheep to the despicable tribe of wolves that seemed to endlessly stalk his flock wherever he tried to move them to for protection. Finally one happy blessed day the Sheepherder found a tribe of Llamas while fleeing the advances of the diabolical wolves. It had been a narrow win against the wolves the first year they arrived in the white valley.

Then the Sheepherder thought to move his flock to keep them safe from the vile wolves. Alas the diabolical beasts followed them to the new worlds they had migrated to. There were no survivors as the wolves tore apart his flock from within! The rivers of the realms were red with the blood of all his sheep & Llama's!

He moved again trying to start a new flock of Llama and Sheep to cherish, protect and raise in good health. Then something awful happened in the world. A black sheep had awoken the Dire Wolf. Sealed in his cave for eons this ancient force of unrelenting evil was furious and above all hungry for flesh. All that time locked away as the sheep populated his once wicked empire he had ruled for centuries before Queen Kleef cast the sealing spell on his lair. Luckily this time he raised his flock right and they all rallied together to defeat the dire wolf & his dirty wolf pack!

So the next year came & while they had defeated the Dire Wolf his evil still stalked the land. The Sheepherd migrated with his flock to yet another new world to try to escape from the dreaded wolf emperor’s schemes and designs. It was no use! The vicious beast followed the flock again to the new surroundings. They had murdered his sheep! Killed a few llamas and then the evil Black Sheep struck & slew the last of the Llama’s guarding the flock!

It was now the dawn of another new year and this year the Sheepherder was determined to find a peaceful world that his flock could live in peace and harmony. For the first few weeks all was serene as the flock formed up. In the distance he could see a large cloud of steam seeming to build up. Then the earthquakes started, followed by the deluge of jelly hail. Strange things were happening all around him, then he sense the presence of the evil Direwolf as it gathered a new pack of wolves to defeat the flock again! Then the next day he felt the presence nearby of an evil greater evil force! The Spirit of the Drama Llama, Lorenzo was trying to find a new Llama body to snatch so that it could begin anew its eternal quest to conquer the throne of Llamatopia & from there all the known realms! Muhahaha!
What would happen next he wondered as his poor unsuspecting flock was infiltrated by the dirty stinky drooling wolves!?!?

Welcome Luxers to Llama, Sheep or Wolf V – Resurrection of the Drama Llama.

Players will be randomly assigned the role of either Llama, Sheep or Wolf. The Llama's goal is to protect the sheep, the sheep's goal is to vote off suspected wolves during the day. Wolves will be trying to sow confusion and eat all the sheep that they can sink their fangs into. The game ends Day 21: Or when the wolves have devoured all the sheep; Or the Llamas have defeated the wolves; Or the sheep have voted off the wolves. The game can also end during special events or if the black sheep has meet its end goal. Keep all your hooves, paws, and hands inside the cart as the roller coaster of LSW – V begins…


During the 24 hour Day cycle all players and members of the flock may move their allowed number of squares or stay where they’re at if they so choose. All players may also vote once a day on who they think is a suspected wolf in the flock. ALL MOVES & VOTES MUST BE POSTED IN THE THREAD!!! (Exceptions will be the bonus spaces that sheep may be granted by items or special events that happen)

During the 24 hour night Cycle the Llama's will pm (private message) the flock member of their choice they'd like to protect to the Sheepherd (GM). The Wolves will pm their choice of snack food for the night to the Sheepherd. If a Llama is not disguised as a sheep it will take two wolves to kill the revealed Llama, If the Llama is disguised it will only take one wolf to kill the Llama in disguise. When two Llama's protect the same flock member and they are targeted by a wolf then the wolf will be chased off by the Llamas and revealed to the flock as the wolf they really are. At night the Sheep may or may not receive dreams to help discern who to trust and who might be wolf.

12 am – 00:00 EST is the time the dawn/dusk switchovers. NO POSTING in the thread after dark. Any moves or votes after the deadline will not be counted regardless when the GM posts the announcement for the switch over. When dead do not post anything further to the thread, or ruin the game for other players in chat or via pm. NO EDITING POSTS! Multiple posts are ok. Editing posts may result in falling boulders or other unfortunate twists of fate for the offending Llama, Sheep, or Wolf. Dead player’s items can be looted from the deceased to the killing player(s).


Sheep can or may move 3 tiles per day
Black sheep may move up to 4 tiles per day
Revealed Llama's and hidden wolves are allowed 5 tiles per day

The RoleZ

Sheep - relatively simple life interrupted by packs of wolves trying to eat them up. Can they figure out which sheep are really wolves before the flock is eaten by the pack? Wins when the wolves have all been sheered, chased off or otherwise killed. Can’t move at night unless an item or event forces the sheep to new or higher grounds.

The Dire Wolf: This wolf can only be chased off the map by the Super Llama. They can’t be voted off. The Dire wolf will start the game revealed on the map for all to see. If you see him coming your way run for Llama's or prepare any special items you might start with or discover in your voyages! Dire Wolves are the leader of team wolf and have the following abilities; Able to move 4 tiles, kill one llama or sheep per night. If next to a sheep has the ability to scare the sheep with fright freezing them to their tile for 1 day, can only be killed by Super Llama or the hoof of the Drama Llama; If killed all wolves will suffer a -1 penalty to their movements, in order to block a dire wolf kill 3 Llamas must use their ability to protect on the sheep the Dire wolf is targeting to kill. Wins when wolves have killed all the delicious sheep and savory Llamas in the flock. Dire wolves receive no vote during the day but may direct the hidden wolves to vote their wishes.

Wolves – Life is a buffet as you chomp up & eat the Llama, Sheep or even any rogue wolf who thinks to betray the pack to the Llamas. Once per night you pm the Game Moderator with your vote for who you wish to try to dine on tonight. Beware there may be guardian Llama’s protecting the sheep or the wily sheep could have a special item to defend, nullify or reverse the attack. Wolves move a maximum of five tiles in any 24 hour period. New rule regarding wolf moves as follows; may expend two of their move points during the night phases if they wish to. Can declare themselves in the thread if feeling really brave or under orders of the Dire Wolf. Revealed wolves gain + 1 move if starting in the same tile as any other wolf. When selecting meals or victims to strike for the night wolves must be in the same tile as their victim. The exception to this is the Direwolf, it may kill any sheep in the same tile or an adjacent tile. If killing a sheep in the next square the Direwolf’s attack moves him to his targets tile.

Llamas – The back bone of any good sheepherd’s flock. Easily distracted by shiny objects or elaborate enigmas. Ready to protect the sheep of the flock when revealed or hidden. It will take a double wolf attack to kill a Llama during the night phase if it is not disguised. If hidden as a sheep only one wolf is needed to kill a Llama. Beware the power of the Llama’s; if two llama’s guard a sheep that is attacked by only one wolf they will chase the attacker off the map (removed from game).
Revealed Llamas may gallop about the map at the pace of five tiles. The tile you start in does not count. Llamas in sheep’s clothing may only move 3 tiles.

The Super Llama! – One special Llama will have a superpower; they will have the ability to save a sheep sentenced to be sheered. This ability will only have five uses the entire duration of the game. Super Llama also can remove the Direwolf; if the DW should target the Super Llama at night the Super Llama will chase away the DW*. Super Llama can be killed by a savage wolf squad attack of any 3 attacks. Another way to slay the Super Llama is the dreaded bane of all Llamas can injure and or kill the Super Llama, The Dagger created from the fangs of the awesome dire wolf Behewolf! The Behemoth blade!

The Black Sheep – There are unconfirmed sightings of a team of saboteurs among the sheep! 1-3 sheep might be assigned certain objects or tasks to help their side win. They still vote and move around the map as any normal sheep but they are also trying to advance their own sick twisted deviant agenda on the good sheep of Luxtopia. We can’t let that happen now can we? Black Sheep can rob any player it spends the night with. May move up to 4 tiles per 24hours (Night & day cycle{48hours IRL]).

The Coyote – One wolf isn’t quite what it seems, for this traitor in the ranks of the wolves is really out for himself! He needs to kill 2 llamas & 6 sheep for this sneaky bastard to win on his own! *note on the Llama kills the Coyote only gets credit if it was one of the attackers that slew the Llama. Coyote has all the powers of a wolf & can only be revealed if the wolves find locations or items to reveal the traitor among their pack! Coyote once a night may steal from any player it ends in the same space at night.

The Weresheep or WereLlama role – Unbeknownst to some unfortunate Sheep or Llama, they’re really a sleeper agent to be activated on a certain conditions such as a time of day or night, special events, or items being used on or by players. When turned they now work completely for the Wolf pack to win by any means necessary…

What do you do?

Night actions:

1- Item transfers
2- Theft actions
3- Night moves of Wolves, Llamas, or Blacksheep
4- Wolves attack & Llamas protect their targets at the same phase
5- Resolve any item effects that affect any phase above
6- If sheep are still alive they will be contacted with any dreams or hints they may or might not receive during the night.
7- Cast Spells or resolve any outstanding item effects. All effects end unless otherwise noted.

Day Actions
1) Move to your desired location on the map
2) Use any items you wish
3) Vote, not vote, change your mind multiple times.
4) Search the square (if a player forgoes their move they may spend the day searching for treasure or trouble in their area)
5) Debate guilt or innocence of any suspected SDW!
6) Prepare for the Sheepherd to shear any unlucky sheep that gets voted off during the day. Results revealed in the AM when dawn breaks & all actions are resolved.
7) Cast Spells, resolve all item effects that haven’t gone off yet.
8) Prepare for the shadows to move & wolves to start snacking as the Llamas try to protect the flock!

The Shiny stuff!

The following is not an all exhaustive list of items as there will be some surprises sprinkled in the map and story. Artifact > Relic > Items

The Hoof of the Drama Llama – Artifact - In an age before the golden peacock’s moon; the Drama Llama was the Llama Queen’s most trusted adviser. This was before the unfortunate diplomatic incident which he created and then he launched his coup de taut against the most enlightened monarch of the Llama tribes. After defending her throne from the drama Llama’s treacherous plot, Queen Kleef the first, ordered that they cut of the Drama Llama’s hoof to punish him for his crime against the Llama crown. Though she abhorred violence she still couldn’t bring herself to slay her once BFF! She instead took away his mighty hoof that her wizards could enchant it with the power of good to protect the tribes of the Llama’s in times of great danger. If she had to be mean to her once BFF at least his loss would be redeemed by helping future Llama’s stop the forces of evil. This ancient artifact was lost during the war of the Kiwi’s as Eice was transporting and torn apart in a horrible duck fluffing accident. Will it show up to save the Llama’s from the Dire-Wolf? Llama armed with this sacred holy artifact can slay the Dire-Wolf. May or may not cost the Llama their life as they heroically challenge the massive might of the Dire-Wolf.

The Crystal ball of Papa*Smurf – artifact – Once per night the Crystal ball may be asked to reveal a players role with 75% accuracy. The holder of the crystal ball is immune to the effects of any scry or attempt to reveal their true role. Also able to channel magic for spells for the user to cast.

Spellbook of Zummi – relic - With this ancient book of spells the holder will have a 50% chance to cast a magic spell they research during the day by not moving. 100% chance to cast with the Crystal ball, staff, or hat of the Archimagi.

Staff of Greystar – artifact - With this ancient arcane item the wielder gains the power to transform one player in the same tile as them into either a Llama, sheep or a wolf (effect may vary from victim to victim). May need to be recharged from time to time…

Hat of the ArchiMagi – relic - This Magical item will teleport the user to safety far away from any incoming attack.

Magic mirror – item - Once per night the user of this item may ask the identity of one player. 50% accuracy. If used in conjunction with the Spellbook it will increase accuracy to 100%.

Wand of Bavmorda – Artifact - with this item the player may negate the effect of any item being used in their tile.

Harp of Ludicrous Llama – relic - With this enchanted item the user may charm any player into falling asleep for 24 hours. While in the enchanted slumber the victim player can’t perform any actions or vote. They can be robbed, killed, saved, or have other spells or items used on them.

Sparkling tassels of Michelle – artifact - User causes any Llama to follow the orders of the caster for 24 hours. Item is transferred to the victim at the end of the 24 window. While under the control of the previous holder the Llama will move, act, or protect whoever the controller commands. When the effect wears off 24 hours later the Llama victim will not remember the events they’ve preformed while under the influence of the tassel. They will just recall having spent a fun time at the amusement park riding rides, feeling the euphoria of the twists and turns of the sparking lights. Just like spending the weekend in Llux Vegas!

Horseshoe of Crzy_hrse – item - Once upon a time a Llama chieftain lead a small band of brave llama’s against a huge force of enemy wolves. After a fierce battle all the wolves were chased off or slain! With this item the holder gains attack & may kill any player they are in the same tile with.

The Red Sharpie of doom – item - With this item the user can intercept the order of any known Llama; read it, rewrite it to perform the action the holder wishes. – 3 uses before the ink runs out.

The ♥ of a wolf – relic - Once in a land far far away and a time many moons ago a wolf loved a Llama so much she didn’t kill the Llama. With this magic charm the holder is immune from being eaten by a wolf.

Sticky gloves of George874 – item - With these honey covered gloves the holder may now perform a theft action once a night. May leave a sticky residue on any victim’s fleece or fur.

Llama Shield – artifact - With this fabled shield of the first Llama Queen the holder can protect one player of their choice. Due to restrictions the shield can’t be used on the same player in consecutive nights.

The Raft of Crawford – Relic - The holder may travel to any adjacent square with a river connecting to it or another body of water. If you ever have to get to Japan in a hurry this is the best mode of transport for sheep & llama’s (or wolves) everywhere. Maximum distance of 6 tiles from the point of origin.

Pretty, pretty, flowers – Relic - With this item the holder is immune from being attacked; All who look upon the holder’s radiant beauty with awe & wonder negating any attack actions.

Wolf Claw of the Kjos tribe – Artifact - With this item in paw the player holding it will ignore any effect to save or protect the player they choose to attack. Grants wielder the ability to attack.

The Shadow of doubt – item - This item will cause the user to implicate a player of their choice as the criminal or villain in an act of their choosing. (I.e. caught robbing someone they didn’t, covered in the blood of last night’s victim, hoof prints leading back to their tent from the crime scene, etc…)

Magica’s Cauldron – artifact - with this ancient magical item the user can cast magic spells. Instead of casting a spell the user may opt to scry for the role or identity of any player once per night. % of success 50/50; misleads any scry to reveal a false role to the casting player or using an item.

Jesterme’s Cloak & Cowl – relic - With this special item the user can vanish if they are attacked at night by any player. The attack fails & player moves randomly two tiles as the enchanted cloak blinds the user. Saved but where did you go?

The Shell of Mnemosyne – artifact - With this emerald bedazzled shell the user is safe at night from any attack. Attacker is repelled and if the attack was by the user of an item that item or relic is then destroyed. Ancient magic also provides the enclosed user of the shell with an extra dimensional cozy hearth to sip tea in, or just read a good book by the fire place as the turns fly by. When used the holder can’t move as fast the next day minus two movement points.

The Fang of BeheWolf – Artifact – With this item any Wolf is twice as strong. They gain an extra attack. When the Fang is wielded by the Dire-wolf they will automatically slay the super Llama no questions asked. DO NOT PASS GO! DO NOT COLLECT 200 Shiny tassels! GO Directly to Llama Heaven!

Glittering chain of Smashley – relic – Created by the slux enchantress Smashley; this chain may be used to distract a guardian llama from their task at hand. Leave it laying around & watch as Llamas follow the sparkling chains that you pull on leading the Llama away from their sacred task. Its pull is irresistible for the unfortunate victim of this magic sparkling chain. To use the holder lays the chain around the intended victim for the Llama to guard. When night falls the Llama is drawn to the flashing lights of the chain glittering as it quickly zigs and zags far from the intended player the Llama sough to protect.

Stelee’s Slux’es Sexy Slip - Artifact – With this alluring undergarment the wearer will be notified if any player scry’s them for their identity. The user will then pm the GM the role they wish to reveal to the one who scry’ed upon them. They may choose to pick any of the stated roles to reveal to the caster of the scry. Nothing sexier than a slux going AFK for several rounds…

Rottenboy’s Bong of blitzing – Relic – The holder of the object will have the power twice every 24 hours to smoke out themselves and 1 target in their tile. This causes the target to get glassy eyed, dry mouthed, confused, and to wander in the same tile for the next 12 hours (cycle) looking for any food to snack on. Holder is immune to the effects of this item. Will cause the user to lose 1 movement point every time it’s used.

Requirements to play:
Imagination, and the ability to suspend disbelief as you travel on a quest of adventure, deception, magic, wonder, and subtle lies!
Forum avatar that will be used to represent your avatar on the map of the LSW world.
Able to log in to the forums once a day to vote, perform any actions, protect, attack or steal from players if you’re character has the ability to do so.

There will be a location map for every day showing which part of the pasture the sheep are wandering in. Sheep can move 3 tiles per day, Wolves can move 5 tiles per every 24 hours, Llamas can move 5 tiles every 24hours. It will show the location of dead sheep or when a Llama has been taken down by a wolf pack. So who can you trust? The wolves are going to be dastardly sneaking around in sheep’s clothing, the Llamas can disguise themselves as a sheep or keep their natural form, this must be decided at the start of game. When disguised as a sheep it only takes one wolf to take down a Llama. Revealed Llamas can only be killed by a combined two wolf attack or the use of an item. In the event of a conflict of effects in item uses, see the chart above the items. Artifacts will overpower any other item used, Relics can override items but will fail when facing the ancient powers of an artifact, Items will not work if a relic or artifact is used. Artifact > Relic > Item. In the event of any absurd illogical results from two artifacts both being used at once the GM reserves the right to moderate which artifact negates the other if they both succeed, or if they both fail.

All previous players of Llama, Sheep or Wolf have a reserved spot to play until the week before the game starts. This game will kick off a week after the 17 minimum player threshold has been met. Reserve your seat today as there will be a maximum of 37 players allowed!

Player Lists -

Cast of LSW I –
Llux Llama
n00less clubie
The Silken Knot

Cast of LSW 2
1 - Djdee
2 - HeartsCoffee
3 - Lantern
4 - PirateKing
5 - Mazza
6 - Micella
7 - Mike
8 - N00less clubie
9 - Odelay
10 - Precious
11 - Ratmouse
12 - Soundboy
13 - Themrb
14 - The Silken Knot
15 - Tstering
16 - Whirlplaid
17 - Owned
18 - Maw1028
19 - ZZmitch
20 - Behemoth
21 - Morts
22 - Jean_Nouvel
23 - Richard Morrison
24 – SethCola

Cast of LSW 3 –
1 - Behemoth
2 - Djdee
3 - Lantern
4 - Llux Llama
5 - Mazza
6 - Mike
7 - N00less clubie
8 - Odelay
9 - Owned
10 - Precious
11 - William Wallace
12 - Ratmouse
13 - SnyperEye
14 - Themrb
15 - The Silken knot
16 - TD4WG
17 - TheWontrob
18- Whirlplaid

Cast of LSW IV
Sun Tzu
Llux Llama
Last edited by Naraku on Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The reseruction of the Drama Llama

Post by Owned » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:16 pm

The original Black Sheep returns!! :smt077

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by WhirlPlaid » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:59 pm

DAMN! Great write up Nar! I have been involved in the game three times, and honestly, I don't have any recollection of the game. I will reread your post and anxiously await the game start.


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Markus Tulus » Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:04 pm

This sounds like a lot of fun Nara. I regret that i will not be able to commit enough time to be a proper player, otherwise I would be in.
I will try to follow in the thread to get a feel for it when I can.
Have fun and good luck.

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Kjos » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:16 pm

No idea what this is but it sounds awesome!


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Markus Tulus » Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:28 am

I think this little girl ought to be careful.....


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Schroberts » Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:49 pm

I am intimidated by all that description, but I will give it a go! :)

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Markus Tulus » Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:01 pm


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by jesterme » Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:59 am

Markus Tulus wrote:I think this little girl ought to be careful.....


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by SmotPoker » Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:27 pm

Rottenboy’s Bong of blitzing – Relic – The holder of the object will have the power twice every 24 hours to smoke out themselves and 1 target in their tile. This causes the target to get glassy eyed, dry mouthed, confused, and to wander in the same tile for the next 12 hours (cycle) looking for any food to snack on. Holder is immune to the effects of this item. Will cause the user to lose 1 movement point every time it’s used.

How can I not be in...... I have a Relic named after me.

Ive never played in any forum games.. Do we get PM's everyday? that would surely help make sure im here at least once.

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Owned » Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:45 pm

You will get pms depending on your role, if you are a wolf or llama you will be in contact with others via pm from the get go. Also, sheep can get dreams at night.

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Symbiosis » Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:54 am

I am in! I couldn't read past the artifacts part, but I'm sure it wasn't all that important anyway. :pirate:

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Llama LluxaLlot » Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:18 am

Llama wolf or sheep,
I see it in my sleep.
I hear the mighty bleat
of cursed black sheep feet.
Though I am a Llama,
I'm never prone to drama! :roll:
(Llook there, Llorenzo Llamas
is wearing wolf pajamas!)
So sign me up to play!
Eventually I may
read the rules some day.
(hey nonny nonny nay.)

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Owned » Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:29 am

Now Llama, let us hope Naraku puts us on the Llama or Wolf team so that we can scheme our other lovely players to their graves! :smt077

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Naraku » Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:14 am

Get out your favorite articles of faith & start praying to the Dice gods then Owned; for all are subject to the random choices of fate...


Ty everyone for signing up so far! Still waiting on the RSVP's from the entire team of "Fire". :twisted:

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Markus Tulus » Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:07 am

Owned wrote:Now Llama, let us hope Naraku puts us on the Llama or Wolf team so that we can scheme our other lovely players to their graves! :smt077

Llol, as in Mafia!

p.s. your 3 kings map is fun.

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by guillerme » Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:19 pm

i'd like to play but you have to be very patient with this noob. :D

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Kjos » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:05 pm


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by jesterme » Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:57 pm

they used to do this in 2011

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by SmotPoker » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:51 pm

I am already worried about meeting requirements, when is this game taking place? I dont think I can commit to this daily. Also if its in April I will be on Vacation. I will be going to Denver for the 420 Cannabis Cup :)

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Naraku » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:00 pm

As soon as we have the required number of players we will begin the madcap adventure!

I have in the past postponed or delayed the start to align with vacations or other holidays.

I am looking forward to running the game for everyone that does sign up.

Good luck @ the Cannabis Cup Smot! Are you just attending or do you have a booth or anything?

Burn a bowl 4 Luxtopia while you're there! & have an amazing time!

& Yes Kjos unless para or dustin pulls the plug on the forums this should still be a thing/happening!

MrooF! & Happy Luxing! :llama

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by WhirlPlaid » Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:37 pm

Best Naraku quote I have ever read.

"Less Drama, more LLama"!

Mroof all day long!

:llama :llama :llama

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by jesterme » Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:48 am

i am not gonna play this game. ever.

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by SnyperEye » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:00 pm


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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Naraku » Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:53 am

Any day now dustin... :llama :llama

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Dangerous Beans » Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:35 am

Almost sounds as cool as that Mafia Rebirth thing...

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Naraku » Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:57 am

Wait until I post the new map. Just need a few more players to sign up or return also
17-20 peeps is the best number



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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Owned » Sun Aug 14, 2016 1:27 pm

∞ Owned returns ∞

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by Llama LluxaLlot » Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:26 pm

If you build it I will come. But I am not going to help build it. Or do anything that is considered "work". And I probably won't read the rules.

However, I'm IN

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Re: Llama, Sheep or Wolf - V - The resurrection of the Drama Llama

Post by n00less cluebie » Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:34 pm

I'm in as soon as we finish the Lux same-time challenge

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